by Yolande Norris-Clark



Self-Healing & Radical Mothering

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Wild Pregnancy & Freebirth

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Worldview & The New Paradigm

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General Lifestyle & Life Abroad

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Self-Healing & Radical Mothering Library



Holding the Centre: Mothering With Power & Grace Through Turbulent Times with Yolande Norris-Clark

A 60-minute pre-recorded masterclass that focuses on how to stand in our truth, and guide our children with grace and integrity, even while the world might seem to be falling apart.

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Wild Pregnancy & Freebirth Library



Geriatric Pregnancy

Everything you need to know about pregnancy after the age of 35, as well as Yolande's personal philosophy on mothering, age, beauty, death, and energetic sovereignty.

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Freebirth in Contrast

Yolande Norris-Clark’s Two Birth Video Documentaries & Freebirth Bundle

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Positioning & Shoulder Dystocia

Dismantle the myths surrounding positioning and shoulder dystocia, that keep women in a state of fear and dependency on the industrial obstetric and midwifery systems.

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Fear & Intuition in Birth

In this interactive 2-hour long session, join Yo as she shares the most potent tools and approaches she has employed in her 20 years of mothering and birth-work, for discerning limiting fears & self-sabotage from those profoundly important safety and survival signals. 

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Freebirth in the Jungle

A 3-part video bundle for the women who want to know more about having a healthy pregnancy and birth outside of the system, and even in a rural setting far from conventional medical assistance.


Worldview & The New Paradigm Library



Surrogacy, IVF, and Reproductive Tech

The controversial, charged, *and* wildly important topic of Surrogacy & IVF from Yolande's personal lens & philosophy.

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Dep0p & Ascension

The practical, energetic, and spiritual measures Yolande takes to protect her family in today's world.

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P0rn Culture & Transhumanism

How to protect your marriage and your kids from exploitative sexual programming without isolation, dogmatism, or rigidity.

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Speaking Truth with Confidence

Learn how to unlock your unique voice, and the fruits that flow from the practice of speaking Truth with audacious and courageous conviction.

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General Lifestyle & Life Abroad Library



Costa Rica Seminar

Thinking of moving to Costa Rica? Get Yolande's extensive take on the pros and cons and political atmosphere of Costa Rica based on her 10 months of living in that country.

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Life in Nicaragua

Thinking of moving to Nicaragua? Hear what Yoland'es day-to-day life looks like, what she loves (and what she doesn't love), other countries her family has considered, and everything else she's been asked by those who want to know about being a foreigner in Nicaragua.

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The Costa Rica & Nicaragua Bundle

Get both the Costa Rica Seminar and Life in Nicaragua Salon together, and save $19.

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