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Yo Reads Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” with Utmost Condescension in Her Poshest Accent


“A modest proposal for preventing the children of poor people in Ireland, from being a burden on their parents or country, and for making them beneficial to the public” is one of the most widely acclaimed and emblematic pieces of satire ever written. 


Author Dr. Jonathan Swift published the work anonymously in 1729 to little fanfare at first, but in the weeks and months subsequent to its publication, the essay created an increasing stir and eventually inspired outrage, primarily among the aristocracy. 


The piece is written in a bombastically elevated and hyperbolic style, parodying the diction and rhetorical attitudes of the ruling class, in order to highlight their self-righteousness and moral equivocation, while simultaneously referring to the poverty-stricken Irish using especially dismissive, condescending, bestial language in order to indicate that they are of no more value than livestock—quite literally. 

As I mention in “Fat of the Land”, the video I made in response to the initial response to my own satirical piece, “Fat Pass: A Modest Proposal”.

(Both of which are included in this package, below.) 

what you'll get

I first read Swift’s original when I was a student in high school, and I was just as shocked when I read it again, almost 25 years later, as I was when I first encountered the essay as a teenager.

Swift’s essay has certainly stood the test of time, and my sense is that it’s more relevant than ever, especially seeing as we seem to have mostly lost our capacity, as a culture, to appreciate that so many policies that should be relegated to the realm of satire, are actually being passed and implemented. 

It’s for this reason especially that I have put this package together:

  • my video "Fat Pass"
  • as well as my rendition of Swift's original "Modest Proposal"
  • along with the follow-up video to "Fat Pass", "Fat of the Land"
  • and a PDF version of Swift's original essay, which includes footnotes explaining some of the author's more arcane language.

Whether you’re interested in enriching your own understanding of political literature, or if you’re a homeschooling parent with a pre-teen or teenager who is ready for some deep conversations about ethics, morality, and class, I hope you enjoy this, and that it provides you with some, ahem, food for thought. 



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Purchase the Modern Proposal Bundle and get access to:

  • A Modest Proposal
  • Dep#p & Ascension

For literature fans, analyze Jonathan Swift's satire "A Modest Proposal" with Yolande, and then see how population control is prevalent today. Walk away with awareness and methods of protection, practical, energetic, and spiritual, for your family.



Investment: $15 USD 


This Package Includes:

  • 3 Videos: Fat Pass, Fat of the Land, & “Yo Reads Swift’s ‘A Modest Proposal’”
  • 3 Mp3 Audio Versions of the videos above
  • PDF version of Jonathan Swift’s original “A Modest Proposal” with footnotes
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About Yolande 

I’m Yolande Norris-Clark, and I’ve been working on the radical edge of the birth-world for the past 20 years. I work with women on the cusp of transformation, including birth, new motherhood, self-healing, and loss.  I’m guided by my deep love for mothers and babies, my passion for medical freedom and bodily sovereignty, and a profound respect for the gorgeous, mysterious, and oh so *sensible* physiology of birth.